For the next few weeks, MARKETING Magazine will be featuring the winners of the APPIES Malaysia Marketing Campaign Awards 2021 by sharing more about their winning campaigns. Consider this your daily dose of inspiration from Malaysia’s best marketing campaigns, judged by a jury of 35 marketing leaders who have made their mark in various industries.

Brand: AIA Malaysia
Campaign: AIA Knows When You Are Sleeping, AIA Knows When You Are Awake
Digital & Social (Gold & Silver)
Marketing & Innovation (Silver)
Campaign summary:
We created a world’s first of its kind Sleep Quality Tracker by measuring a user’s mobile phone bid request activity to measure their activity at night and the gap in between digital activities to identify users with poor quality of sleep. We then reminded them the importance of getting #OneMoreHour of sleep, and retarget these users with sleep related content.
Agency: InvictusBlue Group
Alex Hooi, Head of Digital & Media Solutions
Aakash Kumar, Head of Performance
Ooi Wai Cheuck, Senior Digital Manager
Brand: AIA Malaysia
Chan Ming Yen, Head of Brand and Digital Marketing
Dennis Foo, Associate Director, Brand and Digital Marketing
Choy May Yee, Brand Manager
Ong Luei Hann, Assistant Manager, Brand and Digital Marketing
Presenter: Alex Hooi, Head of Digital & Media Solutions, InvictusBlue Group
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