“No One Is Greater Than All of Us!” SPOTLIGHT Audrey Chong, CEO, Dentsu Malaysia

By The Malketeer

Few leaders inspire as profoundly as Audrey Chong, CEO of Dentsu Malaysia.

Since taking the helm in October 2023, Audrey has become a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and human-centric creativity.

Her vision for Malaysia’s advertising future is not just about navigating the tides of change but harnessing them to create waves of progress and impact.

A Nation on the Cusp of Greatness

“We are living in exciting times,” Audrey begins, her voice resonating with infectious optimism.

“Malaysia is well-poised to accelerate into a more mature and developed nation, bolstered by a future-ready talent pool with a mindset of driving progress not for each of us, but for all of us.”

Her words paint a picture of a nation on the brink of transformation, where rising consumer lifestyles and purchasing power signal a burgeoning market ripe with opportunities.

Yet, Audrey is no starry-eyed dreamer.

She acknowledges the challenges that come with this growth.

“We are going through one of the most disruptive periods for the industry,” she notes, referencing the relentless pace of technological advancement and digital innovation.

But where others might see chaos, Audrey sees a clarion call.

“This is the moment for us as an industry to radically reimagine and reinvent to stay ahead and thrive in this new world.”

The Human Touch in a Machine-Driven World

As artificial intelligence and automation permeate every facet of business, many fear the obsolescence of human skills.

Not Audrey. She doubles down on the importance of human creativity.

“It is critical that we start emphasising the value of human thinking – an integral part of our offerings that will continue to set us apart,” she asserts.

Historically, the advertising industry has been compensated for tangible outputs: the commercials, the banners, the print ads.

But Audrey argues that this model, fixated on cost, undervalues the industry’s greatest and truest asset: the human mind.

“In the current world of generative synthetic ‘thinking’ and content, I truly believe that it is the raw creativity, strategy, ideas, and effort of the human mind that will continue to keep brands grounded and personable to their consumers,” she radiates.

Her call to action is clear: a seismic shift in mindset, one that elevates human ingenuity from a commodity to the industry’s crown jewel.

In doing so, she doesn’t just challenge her peers; she inspires a reevaluation of what it means to add value in the digital age.

From Frustration to Integration

Audrey’s vision isn’t born from abstract theory but hard-earned experience.

As a former client, she felt the pain of disjointed campaigns spread across specialist agencies.

“It’s so important that, as agencies, we serve as the trusted single source of truth in a fast-paced environment that needs to move at the speed of lightning to impact the market,” she reflects.

This frustration catalysed Dentsu Malaysia’s transformation into an integrated powerhouse.

“We are a melting pot of different communications expertise coming together to provide cutting-edge integrated solutions for our clients,” Audrey explains.

By weaving together, the best of creative, media, and customer experience management (CXM) solutions from across Southeast Asia, Dentsu Malaysia under Audrey’s leadership doesn’t just respond to client needs; it anticipates and exceeds them.

A Leader Forged in Diversity

Audrey’s journey to Dentsu’s helm is a testament to the power of diverse experiences.

As the former CEO of Universal McCann Malaysia and Chief Investment Officer at IPG Mediabrands, she brings a unique blend of competitive skills and a knack for infusing creativity through media.

This rich tapestry of experiences positions her perfectly to lead Dentsu Malaysia’s transformation and contribute significantly to Dentsu’s regional strategy under Sanjay Bhasin, CEO of Dentsu Southeast Asia.

What drew her to Dentsu?

“The ultimate goal for us is to help clients with solutions and innovations that impact businesses with positive outcomes,” she says. “Innovation for us is endless – it can mean innovating through new tech, innovating processes, innovating ideation.”

This boundless approach to innovation, deeply rooted in Dentsu’s heritage, resonates with Audrey’s own ethos.

People: The Ultimate Differentiator

Yet, amidst the buzz of AI and machine learning, Audrey unwaveringly believes that Dentsu’s true differentiator is its people.

“The mindset, tenacity, attitude, values, and principles – in a nutshell, our culture,” she explains.

“In Dentsu, the mindset that no one is greater than all of us is the one key binding mantra we hold close to our hearts, on how we shape the agency to future-proof our business.”

This mantra isn’t just a slogan; it’s a living philosophy that permeates every decision and strategy.

It’s a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, collaboration, and transparency that aligns perfectly with Audrey’s personal mission.

“The team holds great potential given the right opportunities and support, and that is my main goal as CEO of this market – to support, grow, and nurture our people to their highest potential.”

A Future Illuminated by Collective Brilliance

As our conversation draws to a close, Audrey’s pride in her team shines through.

“I am proud to be working alongside extremely talented, creative, innovative colleagues who share a belief in the power of collaboration,” she beams. “I know this team will be breaking new grounds together.”

In Audrey Chong, Dentsu Malaysia has more than a CEO; they have a visionary who sees the future not as a challenge to be overcome, but as a canvas waiting for the collective brushstrokes of her team.

As Malaysia’s advertising industry stands on the cusp of a new era, Audrey Chong’s unwavering belief that “no one is greater than all of us” isn’t just guiding Dentsu Malaysia.

It’s igniting a movement that celebrates human brilliance, champions collaboration, and promises to illuminate the path forward for an entire industry.

In a world increasingly defined by algorithms and automation, Audrey ‘s message is clear: the future belongs to those who harness the limitless potential of the human spirit.

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