Kasut U’s “Selesa Setiap Saat Semasa Beraya” Campaign Celebrates the Spirit of Forgiveness

Kasut U, the largest shoe retail chain on the East Coast of Malaysia, proudly introduces its inspiring Raya 2024 campaign, “Selesa Setiap Saat Semasa Beraya”. At the heart of this campaign is the heartfelt video, “Kemaafan Membawa Keselesaan,” which beautifully conveys the power of forgiveness to heal and bring comfort, not just physically, but emotionally and socially.

The core of the campaign is a video that captures a journey of remorse and redemption. It follows a rebellious teenager whose mistake leads to a Pak Cik losing his leg. Embracing his fault, he seeks to make amends, showing us that recognizing and rectifying our mistakes can pave the way for forgiveness.

This story highlights the idea that everyone deserves forgiveness if they earnestly seek to change. It’s a call to acknowledge our flaws, make amends, and move forward with empathy and understanding.

Richard Gan, Kasut U’s General Manager, underscores the company’s longstanding commitment to making a tangible difference: “For over a decade, since 2010, Kasut U has been dedicated to providing prosthetic limbs to more than 30 individuals in need, offering them the comfort and support to lead fulfilling lives.

This Raya, we extend this ethos of support and comfort beyond physical measures to embrace emotional healing through forgiveness. Our campaign embodies our core belief in nurturing connections and fostering a caring community.”

In collaboration with Wofollow, the creative agency behind the campaign, Creative Director Gary Boon explains the thought process: “In crafting ‘Kemaafan Membawa Keselesaan,’ we explored societal challenges and aimed to cut through the negativity that clouds daily life.

Despite cultural sensitivities, like not wearing shoes in Rumah Kampung, our story champions the power of forgiveness, especially during Raya. Our vision is to inspire unity and positivity, reminding everyone that Raya is a perfect time for reconciliation and coming together in harmony.”

Kasut U invites the community to embrace the message of “Selesa Setiap Saat Semasa Beraya,” encouraging a season filled with forgiveness, understanding, and togetherness. This campaign is a call to action for everyone to spread kindness and warmth, making this Raya a memorable celebration of unity and comfort.

To learn more about Kasut U’s Raya campaign and to join in spreading the message of comfort and forgiveness, visit Kasut U’s website and follow us on social media. This Raya, let’s come together to heal, forgive, and celebrate the joy of togetherness with Kasut U.


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