Malaysian CMO Awards in the Year of the Pandemic

People have asked us if the Chief Marketing Officers (CMO) Awards will stand the test of these difficult times when marketing has literally spun on its head. 

2020 is the year when the sense of community, caring and economic well-being becomes the ultimate challenge for brands. 

In a world where personalisation comes to the fore, and health and safety rule. 

The year for marketing to step up and face realities never imagined. 

All this has made the CMO’s role more pivotal and frontline than ever.

The Malaysian CMO Awards embraces these new uncertainties and its judging criteria makes even more sense today….

Business Results: The rewarded candidates will have shown their influence and involvement in positive business outcomes – whether its market share, revenue growth, or profit, in a responsible manner.

Case Study: We’ll assess case studies to see how the CMO has led, adapted and embraced the new way of working and delivered  campaigns, launched new initiatives that progressed the business health of the company, people and brand. How engagement and impact working together gets results. 

Team Results: A top CMO will “hire giants” as David Ogilvy once said, and build a powerful marketing team that will give him/her the wings to fly. Attention will be paid to how the CMO has shown leadership in these critical times, mapping out cohesive and collaborative approaches while optimising team resources in a constantly changing work environment.

Track Record: Breakthrough marketing is far more effective than marketing that borders on mediocrity. We will study the work of leading marketers, look at recognition and awards won, and identify those that are truly taking the risks to succeed. 

The Malaysian CMO Awards will reward brave and brilliant marketers who have the tenacity to inspire and lead. 

Nominations are now open here. For assistance, email [email protected]

View winners of 2019 here.

(Photo credit: 123RF.)

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