Jero the Cat Hires Dato’ Jalaluddin Hassan to Assist in Tenaga Nasional’s Latest Festive Ad

This Hari Raya, Chariot Agency is excited to unveil a cinematic piece that is set to redefine festive storytelling. The star of this groundbreaking film for Tenaga Nasional? None other than Jero, the charismatic feline who has captured hearts in past festive ads, now stepping into the limelight as the director and visionary behind this year’s Raya celebration.

“Directing isn’t just about calling the shots; it’s about weaving a story that speaks to every soul,” Jero mused, stroking his whiskers thoughtfully (we imagine). “This Raya, Jero isn’t just pitching a Raya story. Jero wants to touch the hearts of every Malaysian to remember our values. Also, Jero hopes to be able to fly a solar drone.”

Jero brings to the screen a tale of the importance of good manners, courtesy, respect, and appropriateness – in short, adab – blending traditional Raya values with a narrative brimming with ambition. This festive ad marks a significant departure from Jero’s previous role as a side character, inviting audiences into a world where creativity knows no bounds and Jero is the star.

This festive film was done in collaboration with the Chariot Agency. “It was great. We didn’t have to do anything. Jero took the lead on the whole thing. Easiest. Job. Ever!” said creative team Amir Yunos (Copywriter) and Mohamad Iqbal Othman (Art Director).

When asked, the creative director, Christyna Fong, said “It was with the creative team’s ‘can do’ spirit and a ton of cat treats that we managed to pull this off.”

“I know how to manage clients. And how to navigate creatives. But a cat? It could have been catastrophic. We just managed to pull it off by the skin of our teeth.” said Amelia Pestana, Account Manager.

Chariot Agency worked closely with audio production house Pitch Audio+Magic to produce the film.

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