Stanley Clement on “The Art of Being Stupid”

Stanley Clement, CEO of Mediabrands Content Studio was one of the speakers at the recent Malaysian Media Conference (MMC) 2022. His topic was “The Art Of Being Stupid”. 

Stanley Clement, CEO of Mediabrands Content Studio

Starting his presentation by posing some questions to the audience like “Have you ever sat in a presentation and didn’t fully understand what was being presented? But decided to stay quiet anyway.” This question was followed by three other questions to get the crowd wondering. 

Stupid does not necessarily have a bad connotation to it instead “stupid see things for what they could be” he added. Once, the attendees were already hooked up on this idea Stanley shared a step-by-step guide on how to be stupid. It was indeed an extraordinary and entertaining presentation that got the audience pondering.

Shashankh Bhatt, Digital Growth & Strategy Consultant of Netcore Solutions took on the stage with his topic “Creating High Impact Personalised CX Strategies For Customer Engagement And Retention” .

He was the moderator and joining him was Zalman Zainal, CMO of Hong Leong Bank, Chen Chow, Co-Founder of Fave, Bernard Chong, Marketing Director of Foodpanda, Marisha Lakhiani, VP Marketing of Mindvalley and Chayenne Tan, Director, Performance Marketing of CIMB.

Shashankh Bhatt, Digital Growth & Strategy Consultant of Netcore Solutions

It was an educational session as he panelists were going back and forth discussing the topic. With Marisha stating that “data can either be good or bad, but it requires effort from the brand/ company’s end to connect with customers”.

Bernard added that “nps are essential for brand/ companies to tackle their issues and kpis are used as a benchmark”.

Chayenne voiced her views by saying that “in my field, which is the banking field, new banking customers are more costly than existing ones”. Chen said it is essential to find out from new users how the app is going so that they can get more consumers onboard.

Zalman stated that “there is a thin line between personalizing and stalking and AI uses it in a way that is controlled and meaningful to customers”. 

This session ended with Shashankh concluding that “sending the right information to the right person without stalking is indeed important”.

Moderator: Shashankh Bhatt, Digital Growth & Strategy Consultant – Netcore Solutions
Panel Members:Zalman Zainal – CMO of Hong Leong Bank, Chen Chow – Co Founder of Fave, Bernard Chong – Marketing Director of Foodpanda, Marisha Lakhiani – VP Marketing of Mindvalley and Chayenne Tan – Director of Performance Marketing, CIMB

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