Police are investigating Raya ad released by local online casino

The controversial Raya ad released by local online casino, GDBet333, is being investigated by the Malaysian police under Section 504 of the Penal Code and Section 4(1)(g) of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953.

Section 504 relates to an offence committed with the intent to provoke or disrupt public peace and is punishable with imprisonment for a terms of up to two years or with fine or both.

On the other hand, Section 4(1)(g) of the Common Gaming Houses Act relates to the offence of furnishing money for the purpose of establishing or conducting the business of a common gaming house or for the purpose of a public lottery, including inviting or soliciting any person to commit gambling.

According to several reports, the police are looking for the actors and producers involved in the ad that went viral this week after several social media users pointed out the controversy of advertising a gambling platform in the name of a festive ad.

According to the news platform that first reported the story yesterday, The Vibes, deputy Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani, said police received a report from its Criminal Investigation Department 

Yesterday, MARKETING Magazine reported the local online casino released a Raya ad last week featuring a man experiencing financial difficulties around the festive season who then arrives in his hometown in a new car after having won thousands of ringgit via the betting platform, much to the excitement of others in the kampung.

The ad then shows the man promoting GDBet333 to his family and friends with a background jingle that includes the verses, “GDBet333 ada, apa nak tunggu, marilah cuba, untung nasibmu, engkau berjaya, cuci semua, kemudian beraya (GDBet33 is here, what are you waiting for, try it, if you’re lucky, you’ll win, wash it all off (winnings) and then celebrate Raya.)

Since the video was posted, it has received backlash from some Malaysians stating that the ad is insensitive to muslims and may fool some naive muslims who aren’t aware that the ad promotes a gambling platform.

One Twitter user has also urged the Malaysian Islamic Development Department to look into the ad and another Twitter user said “It is mind-boggling that GDBet333 would pull such a stunt, while expressing concern that desperate individuals may be deceived or enticed into gambling.”

The Raya ad posted on GDBET333’s YouTube channel has been removed since this article was published.

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