Ignite wins Acer Malaysia’s social media duties

Acer Social Media. jpg

Acer Social Media

(Marketingmagazine.com.my) – Acer Malaysia recently handed over its social media duties to Ignite Malaysia. Ignite has been the primary agency in charge of the brand’s ATL creative duties since early this year.

In a recently concluded social media pitch led by Ignite’s Head of Digital, LiLian Hor the agency won the account over Publicis One and M&C Saatchi who also participated in the pitch.

According to company the global laptop market was currently facing a 10% year-on-year decline, given the stiff competition from smartphones, cloud computing and apps.

“For Acer Malaysia to defy this global trend of decline, it is critical to woo the millennial, a powerful consumer. But the millennials are picky, they like moving around light, they are driven by status and our 40-year old brand could be perceived as outdated.”

“Obviously social media is a great medium to reach out to millennials but Acer Malaysia wanted a radically new approach to social media.

“We are looking for an approach that appeals to them yet sets us apart, as uniquely Acer,” Stephanie Ho, Head of Marketing of Acer Malaysia shared.

Her brief was for the agencies to challenge the established social media codes and win over the millennials.

“This objective shaped Ignite’s social media strategy proposal – we decided it had to start first by updating Acer’s persona.

“After all social media is about building and managing a social persona.” Eldon D’Cruz, Senior Planner of Ignite shared.

Eldon shared that the agency proposed a disruptive approach to social media for Acer which was moving their messaging online from ‘What we sell at Acer’ to ‘What drives Acer”.

The strategy the agency used for the brand was transforming its social persona from a ‘Corporate Programmer’ to a ‘Street Smart Geek’.

“The ‘Street Smart Geek’ (imagine Tony Stark or Quicksilver) is someone who lives with today’s trends be it technology, fashion, or entertainment. He is intelligent, social-able.

“A geek who is easy to talk to and hang out with, now wouldn’t you want to add or follow Acer on social media?”

“Rather than just product posts, we’d talk about life hacks and our products, rather than explain the laptop technology, we’d talk about lifestyle technology,” Eldon added.

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