Ads not integrated, also intrusive: Malaysians

40% of Malaysian consumers think ads don’t fit together
While, in Malaysia, 80% of consumers surveyed by Kantar Millward Brown report, they are seeing more ads in a wider variety of places than they did three years ago, 40% of those surveyed think ads don’t fit and are not cohesive.
This means consumers are less positive about how well the marketers are integrating their multichannel strategies. Malaysian don’t think that the ads they see across channels such as TV, outdoor and digital ‘fit together well’.
This is as per the new global AdReaction study, carried out by Kantar Millward Brown, called ‘The Art of Integration.’
This study examines the global state of multichannel advertising campaigns, drawing on quantitative research in 45 countries, and it reports that more than half of marketers are not integrating their multichannel campaigns effectively.
The variety of channels available to marketers has increased exponentially, however ineffective multichannel strategies jeopardies the success of campaigns.
This study delivers insights to help brands create effective multichannel marketing campaigns.
Key findings:
*   40% of consumers in Malaysia don’t think that ads fit together cohesively
*   Only 46% of all campaigns tested could be marked as well-integrated, as per the AdReaction study
*   61% consumers in Malaysia agree that ads are more intrusive now
*   80% consumers in Malaysia are seeing ads in more places compared to 3 years ago
An increase in channels provides an array of new approaches for brands. Marketers are confident in their ability to deliver campaigns across these multiplying channels, with 94% in APAC believing they deliver integrated campaigns.
But this confident view of marketers stands in contrast to what the consumers feel.
Duncan Southgate, Global Brand Director, Media & Digital, Kantar Millward Brown, said, “Consumers feel overwhelmed by advertising from all angles while marketers struggle to make the most of ad formats and channels to best reach consumers, and the latest AdReaction report unveils a disconnect between how marketers and consumers perceive campaign success.”
In fact, Kantar Millward Brown’s analysis of global campaigns within its media effectiveness database revealed this fact.
Fewer than half (46%) of all campaigns tested in the study could be marked as well-integrated, suggesting that consumers’ views are closer to reality than marketers’.
Integration across channels offers marketers the opportunity to boost campaign effectiveness, as the results from the study show that well-integrated and customized ad campaigns can improve overall campaign effectiveness by as much as 57%. This means that brands can get more impact from their investment.
More than half of marketers are missing out on the opportunity to substantially boost their activity.
What’s more, ineffective and disjointed advertising runs the risk of alienating consumers. Many surveyed in Malaysia said they were uncomfortable with this increase in advertising, with 61% agreeing that ads are more intrusive now.
Ian Kwan, Managing Director at Kantar Millward Brown in Malaysia, said, “Several brands in Malaysia have substantially increased their digital ad spending, almost on par with traditional spend. However, our study shows that consumers are in fact overwhelmed by the volume of digital advertising that they’re seeing on desktop and mobile. In addition, the lack of impactful content and ineffective integration is not helping brands to maximize their brand building journey with consumers.”
AdReaction 2018 

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