There is no taking away the fact that everyone has an opinion about Pos Malaysia. Apart from them being an inescapable part of our lives, a few legacy issues have thrown Pos Malaysia’s reputation into question in the past, the worst of which is the non-delivery of people’s mails.
In this article, I revisit Pos Malaysia starting with a sceptical lens and journey with you why I have enough reasons to believe things have not just changed, but they have changed dramatically.
The first is a personal experience, when I engaged them to deliver 3,000 copies of The Ham Report issue in January to my own targetted database that took four months to edit and enrich.
Without lamenting about my previous experience years ago, this time everything went so smoothly it was a happy shocker to say the least.
The folks at DataPos called me daily to keep me abreast of my shipments, and surprised me even further when the job was completed by asking how else they could be of service.
Well, this is not the Pos Malaysia I knew of. But do not take my word for it….
Ask any distributor why they “eventually” use Pos Malaysia and they will tell you that, when push comes to shove, no one knows Malaysia better than them. That’s why there is a sense of accomplishment that once it is in the post box, it is as good as delivered.
Over 15,000 staff, 635 post offices 3,800+ retail points make sure it is so. And truth be told, when other delivery companies can’t do it, Pos Malaysia is their failsafe option.
I know that letter-shopping companies also use Pos Malaysia, because whether it is the first mile or last mile, this Gold standard exists: if it is inside the post box or post-office, it is as good as delivered.
This confidence stems from the fact that we vehemently insist Pos Malaysia must be held accountable to us citizens and we will cry foul if anything goes awry. We cannot deny that this “right for service” is inherent in all of us when we deal with Pos Malaysia.
Because Pos Malaysia serves the people, failure is not an option. And when they falter, it’s magnified a million-fold to the point it is almost sadistic. Correct? Don’t temberang you don’t love to bantai!
Well, consumers have good reason to feel privileged. After all, Pos Malaysia is a lawfully gazetted public service that must deliver at all times: through natural disasters, pandemics, endemics, civil unrest, and even when everything comes to a stop (you know what I mean).
The good news is Pos Malaysia has become a re-energised organisation in recent years, and the time has come to give credit where credit is due.….

Service Levels
“We track our service levels daily. As of end 2021, we constantly achieved above 90% of our SLA delivery commitments. In fact, 70% of our courier shipments are delivered next-day,” says Fiona Liao, Group Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Pos Malaysia Berhad.
“Did you know that Pos Malaysia is the second oldest company in Malaysia with a track record of over 220 years?”
Post to Parcel
The ongoing transformation has taken on a scale not seen in most companies. The group has diversified beyond the traditional provision of mail and parcel delivery to also offer retail, logistics and aviation products and services. It has also pivoted from a mail company that also delivers parcels, to a parcel deliver company that also delivers mails.
The pace of technological advancements has disrupted the business landscape and traditional mail volumes have declined while parcel volume is rapidly growing with the booming eCommerce sector. Tech-savvy customers now expect more agile, superior, and digital-to-door services.
Marketing Magic
The Pos Malaysia Group has progressed from a traditional postal service into a dynamic mail and parcel services, financial services and supply chain solutions provider with the largest delivery and touchpoint network in Malaysia.
It has the most extensive last-mile reach, delivering to more than 11 million addresses across the nation. It also has a network of more than 3,500 touchpoints with presence across the country providing Malaysians the most comprehensive retail network. Yes… Retail.
Brands use their e-fulfilment services and hubs that serve logistical needs. Pos Malaysia has many marketing solutions for brands, including ad mails, pre-paid options for targeted planning of budgets deployed in real time, etc.
While delivering end-to-end mail and parcel services, financial services, and supply chain solutions, Pos Malaysia also equips individuals, SMEs, large organisations, communities and society at large with tools and solutions to catalyse their growth, welfare and needs.
Delivering Delight
Pos Malaysia has a unique business model where they employ over 15,000 workers and community members to deliver products and services. In other words, people are not just a critical, but they are central to the value creation process as both catalysts and beneficiaries.
As the national courier under Pos Laju, it offers express parcel delivery service across the country serving a diverse customer base through post offices, Pusat Pos Laju, and their SendParcel online shipping portal. The network includes two fully-automated Integrated Parcel Centres, nationwide delivery centres and robust logistic network for on-time delivery.
It is no secret that postmen over the years have memorised faces and places. Some, if not most, can tell the correct destination from the street number or name alone.
So don’t shoot the messenger. You’ve got more to look forward to than just mail and deliveries now.
Watch this space…
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