Newton expands beyond Malaysia to launch Sri Lanka’s first Specialist Shelf-Out O2O Agency
Newton Malaysia has expanded its footprint and launched an office in Sri Lanka. Newton Lanka is Sri Lanka’s first specialist Shelf Out Shopper Marketing Agency with an aim to help brands develop Offline-2-Online Campaigns.
“The decision to launch Newton in Sri Lanka stemmed from the belief that the local market was ready for a disruptive and entrepreneurial approach to creativity, helping brands thrive and stand out in today’s highly contested environment,” said Mahesh Neelakantan – Strategic Investor of Newton Lanka and CEO of Newton TAC Malaysia.

“While brands have been doing Shopper Marketing in some form or the other for a while, it is currently being under-leveraged. There is an opportunity for NEWTON to partner brands and retailers and we believe the timing is right for us to be uniquely positioned to offer this specialized service in Sri Lanka,” said Mahesh.
“Not just SriLanka, we are looking to expand our footprint to Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Vietnam. Our market entry approach is simple – All we need is our first client & a couple of idea-preneurs who are willing to back themselves.” We are happy to co-invest and incubate a core team or evaluate JV with established independent agencies willing to offer this specialized service to clients,” added Mahesh.
Shopper Marketing has a more direct, effective and immediate impact on the consumer’s purchase decision. It is all about understanding how customers behave as ‘shoppers’, understanding their ‘Purchase Decision Hierarchy and developing communication and ideas to engage them when they are in ‘Shopper’ Mode.
It is time to relook at Shopper Marketing as more than just ‘BELOW-THE-LINE’ communication or sales promotion activity’ and instead explore the opportunities of Marketing to the Shopper in an ‘Always On’ mode to help brands win at the Shelf.
The Newton Lanka team is currently made up of 14 young and enterprising ‘idea-preneurs’ and is led by Director – Reshad Mohideen and Creative Director, Rushain Rodrigo. Newton Lanka’s current list of core clients include Fonterra and Hemas with whom they are carrying out effective campaigns since inception.
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