INTI and you Tube’s Ling Big Yong tell a university love story in a short video

Following the success of its 2018 collaboration, INTI International University & Colleges and Youtube sensation Ling Big Yong have once again partnered to revisit the love story of a shy, university student played by Big Yong.

Set a year after the first feature, the story explores the characters of Big Yong and Nikki, the challenges arising in their relationship, and the values of trust, confidence, and understanding.

Continuing its focus on everyday stories, INTI aimed to take its messaging on how skills gained in college are applicable to real life one step further, by emphasizing the importance of understanding, both in studies as well as in real life.

Driving home the message that when something is understood, all questions can be solved, the video brings to life some of the most common challenges young individuals face during this important transition from youth to adulthood.

Tim Johnson, INTI’s Senior Vice President for Marketing, Products & Partnerships explains, “With the tremendous response we received last year, we wanted to explore the next phase of Big Yong and Nikki’s relationship in university and address one of the most common challenges in a relationship – trust.

More importantly we wanted to build on the need to understand and having confidence in your own self, as these are central to the life lessons students gain when they transition from school into university and finally into their careers.

Beyond the 25-minute love story, the central theme for this sequel focuses heavily on the importance of understanding rather than memorizing a topic, a common challenge many school leavers face.

“University is the start of a student’s professional life and while the importance of soft skills and technical competencies cannot be emphasized enough, true success comes from the values students gain during their learning journey. One such value is the ability to take the time to understand a concept rather than simply memorizing it for an exam.”

Set amid INTI’s 82-acre university campus in Nilai, Negri Sembilan, the story also serves to showcase a number of new facilities including INTI’s BIM Development Centre, a center developed in collaboration with global leader Glodon to provide training for engineering and quantity surveying students and professionals in Building Information Modelling.

The video also features the new Concert Band Room, one of the spaces dedicated to performing arts alongside the Dance Studio and Traditional Music Room available in INTI International University.

Johnson says, “Beyond our facilities, we are focused on capturing the stories of our students’ and faculty’s lives, because that is what makes us unique.

While this video is a vastly different take from the recent SPM videos we produced in Tamil, both have the same objective of exploring the values behind who we are and what we do. This is what we believe truly resonates with our students and wider communities.”

Released on 15th March, the video has already garnered more than 539,100 views on Ling Big Yong’s Youtube channel and achieves INTI’s positive messaging of building confidence, trust and understanding as the keys to lifelong success. The first video released on 16th March 2018, has garnered more than 1 million views.

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