Media Prima Television Networks Defines the Future of Marketing

MPTN recorded an aggressive growth of over 60% in the number of branded content produced across 2017

Malaysia’s largest integrated media group, Media Prima Television Network (MPTN) has up its ante once again, as it further expands and unifies its content, data and platform solutions. This continued move is to enable brands and advertisers to effectively engage today’s audiences who consume TV in different ways, while providing greater commercial returns.

The network, which is home to the No. 1 TV channels and integrated platforms for over 28 million audiences has embarked on an aggressive and transformative expansion plan with TV at the core. This includes the introduction of its Audience+ platform which enables the network to develop micro-insights and refine its audience profile for smarter advertisement targeting; further enhancing MPTN’s solid understanding of industry trends, as well as its audiences’ behaviours and preferences.

Beyond that, the network has also invested in further developing its in-house talents and capabilities, creating a full-service content team that have been responsible for developing some of Malaysia’s most iconic campaigns in recent years.

Nini Yusof, Director, Sales & Strategy, MPTN said, “TV will always be a powerful medium for marketers, but the format and delivery mechanism for TV content have changed with the rise of addressable and connected TV, OTT offerings over IP and digital platforms.”

Nini Yusof, Director, Sales & Strategy, MPTN

“At MPTN we have quickly adapted by bringing our solutions together and capitalising on our strengths to make TV the core driver of innovative content in what is now a platform agnostic ecosystem. Through our dynamic award-winning creative campaigns, we are able to expand TV content across broadcast, digital, mobile and social, creating a unique mix of marketing touchpoints for brands.”

The renewed approach in revitalising TV as a collaborative marketing solution has encouraged more brands to engage MPTN as the primary content driver for their marketing efforts. As a result, MPTN recorded an aggressive growth of over 60 per cent in the number of branded content produced across 2017. It continues to attract not just local companies like AirAsia and Mamee-Double Decker but also multinational brands across a wide range of industries such as Samsung, McDonald’s and Coca Cola.

As a proof of effectiveness, MPTN has continued to win across various media and marketing industry awards. Last year, it walked away with 13 accolades, including Media Owner of the year with Best in Show and Best Creative Team at the South East Asia’s Spark Awards for Media Excellence 2017. This year, MPTN scored 22 nominations at the same awards, which will be held in Singapore soon.

These recognitions were received on the back of exciting campaigns such as Mocha Kau Bahagia for McDonald’s, Misi Aspirasi for Air Asia, Pentas AJL32 Bergerak for Samsung Galaxy A8, Dapur Bonda and One Brand for Coca Cola and creative collaborations for Unilever’s Homecare, Beverage and Personal Care brands.

“There is no denying that TV is alive, kicking and evolving. We are however in a time of transition. And in this period, advertisers need brand safety, viewability and transparency, which TV is well positioned to provide,” Nini Yusof concluded

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