Submissions Open: Enter your Raya TVC’s for the Experts’ Choice Awards NOW

marketing magazine experts choice awards raya tvc

The MARKETING Magazine Experts’ Choice Awards TOP 10 Raya TVC’s Edition is back for a third time and submission of entries is officially open now.

The festivities are definitely going to be huge this year with things opening up, and we are very excited to see the creative heads of the country showing us their magic!

Submissions are online as usual, just click below to start submitting your entries.

Winners of the TOP 10 Raya TVCs will receive a certificate of recognition from MARKETING Magazine followed by a feature story on MARKETING WEEKENDER.

Here are some of the TOP 10 Raya TVC’s from last year:

Astro – ‘Singkap Sebalik Tingkap

Agency: Naga DDB Tribal

Production house: Directors Think Tank

Mistubishi Motors – ‘Mitsubishi Raya 2021 bersama Jihan Muse: IKAN BESAR

Agency: Cogent Ideas

Production house: Mastermind Group

Julie’s Biscuit – ‘Ini Iklan Raya, Tau?

Agency: GOVT Singapore

Production House: Layar Lucida

Are you excited to join us in the celebrations this year?

Please note that any entry will be considered a valid entry only once the payment is made.

Entry Fees: RM 2000 per submission.

The last day to submit your entries is 5 p.m. on May 02, 2022.

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