How to connect with clients and prospects during lockdown

The challenge for brands staying in touch with their clients on a personalised level becomes a real dilemma during lockdowns. Bad news affects everyone, whether one is involved directly or not, and information overload distorts reality in a way we are not used too. 

While media platforms provide massive reach and digital allows two-way communication, fatigue is a real barrier. 

With all these obstacles in mind, ShareInvestor* recently cracked the code with a simple yet profound gesture. 
Fully respecting the “no-gifts” policy instituted by many businesses, they devised a “care pack” with a health greeting message complete with the real fruit to clients.

Using the meaningful adage, An apple a day keeps the doctor away, the pack had a few nutritious apples and a cryptic message: Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and Get Vaccinated. 

Edward Stanislaus, Managing Director of ShareInvestor Malaysia told MARKETING, “We sent out about 200 packs to our clients’ homes. The idea has been welcomed as a timely thought, some of them posed with the ‘care pack’ and sent us pictures. We kept everything simple with the objective of connecting without interrupting. Caring, while creating conversations.” 

Fodder for more simple and unique ideas in these challenging and mind numbing times? 

* ShareInvestor is a leading financial internet media and technology company in ASEAN and has one of the largest Investor Relations networks in Asia with over 500 public listed companies. 

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