“AI is not software.”

In an enlightening session at the Malaysian Marketing Conference & Festival 2024, Master Prompt Engineer & Regional CEO of Robometic, Indhran Indhraseghar, journeyed into The Transformative Potential of AI. His insights were both profound and inspiring. He began by distinguishing between traditional AI and generative AI.

Traditional AI, known for its prowess in pattern recognition, drives efficiencies in sectors like finance and healthcare. In contrast, generative AI goes a step further, creating new patterns and fostering unprecedented creativity and problem-solving.

He emphasized that generative AI is not just an incremental improvement but a revolutionary leap.

He then explored the practical applications of AI in business platforms such as Salesforce Sales Cloud, HubSpot Sales Hub, and Gong.

These tools, he explained, enhance business operations by automating tasks, providing actionable insights, and streamlining workflows.

This automation allows businesses to focus more on strategic growth activities rather than getting bogged down by routine tasks.

A key takeaway from Indhran’s session was the importance of emotional intelligence, systems thinking, and just-in-time learning in effectively leveraging AI. Emotional intelligence is vital for maintaining deep human connections in an increasingly digital world.

“Systems thinking is necessary for integrating components across various domains, ensuring that AI solutions work harmoniously within a broader context.
Just-in-time learning enables individuals and businesses to acquire the specific knowledge needed to overcome immediate challenges.”

At a leading advertising agency, prompt engineers addressed this challenge by implementing dynamic prompt generation techniques…

They developed an AI system that automatically adjusts prompts based on real-time user data, campaign performance metrics, and insights from creative teams.

This approach, as detailed in a Harvard Business Review article, enabled the agency to deliver highly targeted ad campaigns that resonated with specific audience
segments, leading to a 30% increase in click-through rates and a 20% boost in conversions.

When designing prompts for AI systems in marketing and media applications, what factors do you consider to ensure that the prompts effectively capture audience preferences, trends, and engagement metrics? Several key factors come into play here:
– User demographics, interests, and behaviour patterns (e.g., purchase history, content consumption, social media activity)
– Historical data on content performance, engagement metrics, and conversion rates
– Seasonal trends, current events, and cultural shifts that may influence user preferences
– Brand guidelines, messaging strategies, and tone of voice
– Platform-specific constraints, best practices, and user interface considerations

For example, a major e-commerce retailer collaborated with MIT researchers to develop an AI-driven email marketing system that leveraged these factors to generate highly personalized product recommendations and email content.

By incorporating user data, inventory levels, and real-time trends, the AI system could create compelling emails tailored to each customer’s preferences. According to the retailer’s annual report, this initiative resulted in a 40% increase in email open rates and a 25% boost in revenue from email campaigns!

Looking ahead, Indhran sees AI as a driving force for continuous innovation, creating new opportunities and transforming business operations.

He emphasized that success in this new landscape will depend on the ability of businesses and individuals to adapt and harness the power of AI effectively.

He generously shares that he actively participates in industry conferences and workshops, such as the annual AI Summit hosted by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA). “I also closely monitor the latest research papers and case studies published by leading institutions like Stanford University’s Human-Centered AI Institute, MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), and the AI Now Institute at New York University”..

Into the future

Two days of inspiring talks, peer discussions, demonstrations that generated mind-enriching experiences for over 250 delegates. The event also starred celebrity podcaster Khairy Jamaluddin, Director @ Seven Network Sydney Lucio Ribeiro, creative superstar Farrokh Madon, Prompt Engineer Indhran Indhraseghar, Malaysia’s CMOs of the Year 2023 and many more…

Download the edition here: https://weekender.com.my/issue407/

Event pix: https://marketingmagazine.com.my/mcf2024/gallery/

Event site: https://marketingmagazine.com.my/mcf2024/

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The APPIES is an annual event that presents a rare opportunity for creative, media, digital and marketing agencies or brands to present their best campaigns to the industry.

This is the only event where Live Presentations meets Live Judging.

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Submissions Deadline
30th June 2024

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11th – 12th July 2024 (Malaysia)


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