#MMC2016- Were you in the crowd?

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(marketingmagazine.com.my) – By: Malati Siniah
Happy Friday!
Today we take a break from Datalytics and shine the spotlight on those who liven up our Malaysian Media Conference (MMC) – our attendees!

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We can see why most people had ran out of cards by the time the day ended

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Jeffrey Seah the poster watches over as his counterpart does all the hard work…

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Industry heavyweights spotted in the crowd

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Woei Hern listening in attention. When you bump into him be sure to ask him about the #onioncuttingninja he mentioned on stage

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Our Viral superstar Halal Ham on the mic

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The beautiful Linda Hassan of Domino’s on camera speaking about the conference

Be sure to tune in next week as we bring you more insights from #MMC2016

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