Two days ago, Tourism Malaysia ran a Tender Notice in The Star newspaper.
It was an invitation to registered vendors with the Ministry of Finance to attend a briefing next Tuesday at Tourism Malaysia’s HQ in Putrajaya at
In case, you missed The Star on Wednesday and are relying on other platforms to learn about multi-million ringgit opportunities for your business, we spell it out here.
The briefing is for Tourism Malaysia’s brand and creative duties for two years covering digital, print, OOH, design, advertising and includes IP considerations.
The briefing also covers media buying for the ASEAN, North & East Asia, South & West Asia, Europe, Americas and Oceania markets for a two-year period.
At 2.30pm to 4.30pm the same
How this special and separate project will overlap with the two-year assignment is something that will remain a mystery to mere mortals.
Perhaps this is a project to target Europeans who are visiting our country for a special reason or somebody important is going on a European tour and will need to see our marketing efforts shining there.
Tender documents will be available after the briefings (but those in the afternoon briefing will have to come back the next day as office hours end at 4.15pm).
Interestingly, the Notice says the briefings are on 19 March 2018, so I suspect they may also a need a proofreader for their tender notices.
And agencies (including travel agencies I assume) will have less than three weeks to hand in their submissions, ie. April 8.
BTW, heavy hitters like ground-shaking personalities who are friends of Ministers and Presidents of countries from around the world will do well to stay at home. This is just a briefing, not a show of cojones.
Only two reps per company are allowed to attend.
And please bring a bank draft or money order to purchase the set of documents at RM100 each (non-refundable).
Enjoy your weekend!

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