Created by the climate collective Glimpse alongside satirist and musician Oli Frost and the climate communications lab, Utopia Bureau, Atmospheric announced itself with a billboard ad in central London that states: “The climate is changing. Business shouldn’t have to.”
Atmospheric boasts its own website, LinkedIn page and a CEO named Jamie Kolkot. Its mission statement says it gives clients “the social license they need to Keep the Fire Burning™.”
The end of the website reveals that while the agency isn’t “real,” its creators believe its intentions are not so far from those of real agencies.
Atmospheric is a response by the creators to the news that McCann is poised to repitch for Saudi Aramco – the world’s largest oil and gas company.
A member of the Interpublic Group of Companies (IPG) and part of the global communications industry’s four major holding companies, McCann currently holds contracts with Aramco despite the oil firm’s controversial environmental record, including accusations of pollution and greenwashing.
These contracts are due to expire early next year, and reports by the investigative platform DeSmog suggests McCann is actively working to repitch for the account.
Agencies are increasingly on the radar of climate activists following high profile pitches for fossil fuel accounts, such as Shell’s recent appointment of Havas Media.
This article was sourced from The Drum
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