National anti-corruption movement #RasuahBusters revs up drive against corruption with International Anti-Corruption Day in December.
#RasuahBusters continues its campaign to champion public outrage with its latest war cry, When corruption wins, the country loses, and has planned a series of activities in conjunction with International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9.
Echoing a global call to rid all sectors of society of all manner and forms of corruption, the 2021 International Anti-Corruption Day seeks to highlight the rights and responsibilities of everyone – including states, government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia, the public and youth – in tackling corruption.
Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacub, #RasuahBusters’ Team Leader says, “The national sentiment on the ground is crystal clear that corruption is a cancer that has to be fought head on. According to Transparency International Malaysia, it is estimated that between RM40 billion to RM60 billion is lost every year to corruption and this has to stop at once.”
The total world loss each year due to corruption is estimated at USD$ 2.6 trillion (almost RM11 trillion). According to the Global Financial Integrity Report 2017.
Between 2005 and 2014, Malaysia lost RM1.8 trillion through illicit financial flows, part of which was due to corrupt practices. The amount of RM1.8 trillion can be used to prepare five Budget 2022 for the people and more funds to utilize for the welfare of the people.
Former auditor-general Tan Sri Ambrin Buang has said that up to 30% of Malaysia’s public projects’ value is lost to mismanagement and corruption.
Datuk Hussamuddin Yaacub said, in conjunction with the International Anti -Corruption Day, #RasuahBusters call for the people to pledge together to fight corruption to ensure Malaysia no longer loses billions of ringgit due to corruption, integrity issues, self-interest conflicts and non-transparency.
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Produced by Directors Think Tank
Produced by Directors Think Tank
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“The people and the country have received various significant impacts due to rampant corruption. We must not allow this to drag on. The people need to rise up to stop corruption, otherwise, we, the people are the ones who will suffer in the end” said Datuk Hussamuddin.
He said, since its inception 10 months ago, #RasuahBusters’ campaigns have inspired many to curb the corruption epidemic that has gripped the country, fighting corruption at all levels, with the support of over 400 entities as #RasuahBusters’ Coalition of the Willing.
He also said, in conjunction with the International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December 2021, #RasuahBusters has just released three new video clips of the “Mak Kata Jangan” series today.
In addition, the #RasuahBusters Convoy which brings the #MalaysiaTanpaRasuah mission to the whole country from 9 December 2021 to 1 April 2022, will flag off on 9 December 2021.
The #RasuahBusters Convoy will make a series of tours around the country to deliver the anti-corruption message and raise awareness the grass roots on the corruption crises in the country.
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