Random thoughts as media emerges stronger post MCO

It is interesting to note that while media players have been complaining of financial ruin due to MCO, they are also hiring furiously like they know something we don’t.

The new normal seems to be an alternate reality running on steroids. 

Radio resurgence? The podcast fever is unstoppable now. This trend is best suited to evangelise radio.

With the growing attention deficit syndrome, Radio is perfect as it allows selective listening.

And that is already quite a boon to advertisers. 

Personally, I believe Radio has been marginalised for too long. 

Utusan and Kosmo are on the verge of relaunching their titles – both print and online next month. Is there a snap election coming up?

And what’s happening at theSun? Unconfirmed weather readings suggest their benevolent businessman owner may call it a day after bearing the cost of running it at a loss in recent years.

Plus hundreds of millions lost in his other companies during the MCO may justify a new call on theSun.

But hey, if GE15 is happening this year, he may delay this move. Too early to tell, as Parliament sits again on July 13 (the same day the Federal Court hears contempt proceedings against  Malaysiakini and its editor-in-chief Steven Gan over comments posted by readers). 

Good News: television players are back…

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