Httpool unlocks new opportunities for advertisers with GrabAds

Httpool recently announced that it will start offering GrabAds in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar, enabling advertisers to leverage on the potential the platform brings. GrabAds is a unique advertising opportunity providing an online-to-offline (O2O) platform for brands to engage with millions of Southeast Asian consumers across eight countries. 

Managing Director of Httpool APAC,  Sunny Nagpal

“Being able to offer GrabAds in the region will open new avenues for brands and advertising agencies to leverage their data capabilities and local market insights, helping create meaningful customer engagement” saidCo-Founder and Managing Director of Httpool APAC,  Sunny Nagpal. “GrabAds relies on unique insights from its millions of users and allows advertisers to connect with a highly engaged audience in the right place at the right time.”

Sunny added that the team at Httpool will provide strong support to agencies and brands, and support the development of specialized solutions from marketing, ad sales to billing.

Managing Partner of Httpool Malaysia, Meera Muhunthan

With offices in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and India, Httpool’s  partnership with Grab is an important step for the company as it strengthens its portfolio and enables the elite teams of marketing experts to offer the highest level of support to brands, agencies, and advertisers with the best solutions, helping them make the most of their digital campaigns.

According to the Managing Partner of Httpool Malaysia, Meera Muhunthan, Httpool and GrabAds are offering clients exclusive discount packages in conjunction with Malaysia’s upcoming National Day. 

“Be it your brand’s message to commemorate the significance of freedom and sacrifices made by the nation, treating your customers old & new to special offers or even helping them reduce the hassle by making purchases of your products online within the safe environment of their homes” Meera said in reference to the National Day discounts.

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