Celcom Transformation Change-Maker to headline at DTCX

This is one conference you DO NOT want to miss!

If you looked the news today, you would have read how market leader Celcom Axiata is paving the way forward in digital transformation by introducing Asia’s first virtual agent service powered by Microsoft’s artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.
Clive and Emma, the two virtual customer service agents, are equipped with natural language processing capabilities which gives them the ability to converse with today’s tech-savvy customers in a more personal manner. What is amazing is that the two can even speak with a combination of Bahasa Malaysia and English!
This is just the tip of the iceberg for this transformative company, which is why MARKETING invited game-changer René Werner, Chief Customer Service and Experience Officer of Celcom Axiata to headline the July 19th Customer-Driven Digital Transformation Conference (#DTCX19July)
René Werner
Having had nearly 20 years of experience in the telecommunication industry, Rene has successfully transformed the division with substantial increases in net promoter scores and sales and has also achieved drastic cost reductions.
He is also a board member of Smart Axiata, the largest wireless operator in Cambodia. Prior to his tenure at Celcom, René was heading group strategy for Axiata Group.
Before moving to Malaysia, René held various senior management positions over the course of 10 years at Deutsche Telekom, Europe´s largest telecoms groups and also held a consultative role at Accenture/Andersen Consulting focusing on the communications and high-tech industry across Europe.
On the morning of July 19th René will be sharing how the company has taken a customer-driven approach towards their transformation and will share the ups and downs in their digital transformation journey.
You will walk away from this session with a practical understanding of the building blocks of success in a world of customer-driven digital transformation.
René is one of the many game changers who will be attending next month’s Digital Transformation Conference. For a full list of our speakers and programme, details click here or contact [email protected] 

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