Announcing the New Office Bearers for AAMS 2022-2024

office bearers

The AAMS (Association of Advertising and Marketing Singapore) is delighted to announce that our elected office bearers are :  

President : Goh Shufen, Co-Founder and Principal, R3 WW

1st Vice President : Ara Hampartsoumian, CEO, TBWA\Group Singapore 

2nd Vice President : Rowena Bhagchandani, CEO/Co-Founder, BLKJ Havas

Honorary Secretary : Dasheng Toh, Head, Commercial Planning & Industry Solutions, Mediacorp

The office bearers are all returning members and together with the rest of the EXCO (click here for the full list of EXCO members), they will lead AAMS from 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2024. 

AAMS is fortunate to have a diversified and experienced group of industry leaders within the EXCO. 

Their collective experience will steer and sharpen efforts to develop key areas for a more robust ecosystem, allowing quick navigation to help our community to learn and adapt smartly. 

Progress will continue to be anchored on three main pillars – SHIFTING MINDSETS, ACCELERATING GROWTH and DRIVING TALENT

With this continuity in the leadership and strength of the EXCO team, AAMS is geared to drive the AdMarcom industry forward , to bring Singapore closer to playing a strong role as the regional beacon for marketing, creativity and performance.

“The pandemic has impressed us with the truth that we’re stronger together as a community. How true that is in our industry where keeping up with culture and consumer is no longer linear nor simple. We need to break down our own silos and work with our collective brainpower to push the boundaries of creativity. I’m delighted to have not just a diversified and respected group of experts in the exco, but people with a passion to make a meaningful difference to the industry.” said Goh Shufen, co-founder and principal of consultancy R3; President of AAMS.

office bearers
Goh Shufen, co-founder and principal of consultancy R3; President of AAMS

“I’m humbled and proud to be involved in the AAMS serving as VP with an incredibly talented, passionate and experienced team. We’ve got a lot to accomplish to uphold the highest of standards in our industry and it will take all of us working together to truly make a difference” said Ara Hampartsoumian, CEO, TBWA\Group Singapore ; 1st Vice President of AAMS.

office bearers
Ara Hampartsoumian, CEO, TBWA\Group Singapore ; 1st Vice President of AAMS

“I’m excited by the diverse and experienced team we now have on the AAMS council and to be serving as VP. The marketing industry is always in constant evolution but we find ourselves in a situation where there are massive threats that could change our future. There is a lot we need to do to get our industry better, stronger, more inclusive and purposeful. To get talents to choose us and to get Singapore to be the beacon to the region.” said Rowena Bhagchandani, CEO / Co-Founder, BLKJ Havas; 2nd Vice President of AAMS.

office bearers
Rowena Bhagchandani, CEO / Co-Founder, BLKJ Havas; 2nd Vice President of AAMS

Some of the on-going projects in 2022 are The `Pitch Best Practices’ guidebook, to drive efficiency in the business of pitching;  running an APAC OOH Media Platform `Outernet 2.0’ to establish benchmark regional audience measurements with some of the top advertisers and their agencies;  and being the`bridge’ for local AdMarcom community to expand regionally going forward, via the Asian AdMarcom Associations Network (AAAN). 

These current efforts on the ground aim to make a difference where it matters. 

office bearers
Dasheng Toh, Head, Commercial Planning & Industry Solutions, Mediacorp; Honorary Secretary AAMS

There will be more programmes upcoming, in areas of developing talents and mindsets through training and thought leadership talks, building communities and business; in addition to the well regarded professional competitions (EFFIES Singapore, GONG, Crowbar, APPIES APAC). 

AAMS looks forward to working together with their partners in the industry, in growing a strong set of professionals and organisations and being well positioned to tap into upcoming opportunities successfully. 

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