Addressing the magic of Addressable Advertising

This piece was first Published in MARKETING WEEKENDER Issue 348


Just after the launch of Astro Addressable Advertising, I had fun simplifying the proposition by visiting McDonald’s in a Colonel Sanders outfit and did the same at KFC with a Ronald McDonald look, without the clownish bits of course

Astro’s Addressable TV product, the first in Southeast Asia, has been successfully launched, allowing different ads to be served to different households watching the same programme. It combines the strength of two key media platforms: digital-style targeting and the impact of TV advertising. 

Astro Addressable TV with OTT provides a key differentiator to advertisers looking to target their audiences using high value first-party data instead of relying on cookie level behavioural segments.  

“…you will now start seeing new advertisers who are interested in TV…”

Bala Pomaleh, CEO of Mediabrands Malaysia said at the launch, “Because of addressable TV, you will now start seeing new advertisers who are interested in TV. There are many advertisers out there who don’t really need to advertise nationally, but want to target certain niche audiences, and this gives them a fantastic new opportunity.” 

In this piece, we chat with marketing and media leaders, some of whom have already experienced the power of Addressable Advertising on Astro.

“…personalised messages through in-depth targeting capabilities such as household income, region and interest – beyond what broadcast TV can do…”  

Bernard Chong, Marketing Director of Foodpanda, who has run his campaign using Addressable Advertising, adds, “The campaign had produced positive results when it came to brand Top-Of-Mind metrics and content suitability across the multiple addressable platforms whether on an offline platform, when they are watching TV or online on streaming services.” 

“Plus by tapping into Astro’s first party data with personalised messages through in-depth targeting capabilities such as household income, region and interest – beyond what broadcast TV can do.” 

“… we unlock growth both geographically and with other target segments to win greater market share while optimising costs….” 

Bernard explains, “As a 10- year old business in Malaysia, it’s pivotal for us to optimise, as key cities would rapidly reach a saturation point for acquisition and customer penetration. Hence, it is essential that we unlock growth both geographically and with other target segments to win greater market share while optimising costs.” 

Saurabh Chandrashekhar, Managing Director at MediaCom Malaysia (picture), adds, “Media consumption is undergoing rapid change and TV is no different. As all media becomes addressable, the role TV plays is going to be important but different. Addressable TV allows us to take the benefits of digital, such as sharp targeting, content customisation and provide it with the scale of TV.” 

“Astro’s addressable TV solution is a leap in the right direction. It will allow us to get TV investments to work harder, reduce wastage and deliver relevant communication to consumers. Early results are encouraging, and as more clients test and adopt the solution, it will lead to a flourishing and growing environment.” 

“… It will allow us to get TV investments to work harder, reduce wastage and deliver relevant communication to consumers. Early results are encouraging, and as more clients test and adopt the solution, it will lead to a flourishing and growing environment…” 

Another early adopter of the Astro’s Addressable Advertising solution had this to say: “Since it was new and we were among the first few clients, we found that the overall concept met the majority of our objectives. Compared to conventional TV advertising, this solution was niche target marketing to suburban markets which was our key objective. The sweet spot was we hit into selective behaviour groups.” 

To learn how you can optimise your marketing with Astro’s addressable ecosystem, visit this link.

“… being razor sharp at it, is the biggest challenge to marketers; that’s where Addressable Advertising makes a difference…” 

“With the increased fragmentation of media, increasing level of available content and a large number of consumer touch points, it is getting more and more costly to reach a consumer. Targeting and at that, being razor sharp at it, is the biggest challenge to marketers; that’s where Addressable Advertising makes a difference.” 

Santharuban Thurai Sundaram
Etika Holdings Sdn Bhd

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After 20 years of evolving technology, shifting market trends, and adapting to changing consumer behaviour, the media landscape has nearly reached saturation.

We’ve optimised to the fullest, providing advertisers with abundant choices across technology, platforms, data-driven marketing, CTV, OTTDOOHinfluencer marketing, retail, etc.

Media specialists have diversified, but with more options comes the challenge of maintaining income growth. The industry is expanding, but revenue isn’t keeping pace.

Now, we’re at a TURNING POINT: time to explore and harness new sustainable revenue streams. While GroupM forecasts a 7.8% global ad revenue growth in 2024, challenges like antitrust regulation, AI and copyright issues, and platform bans persist.  

Collaboration is keypartnerships that thrive on synergy, shared values, and aligned goals are becoming increasingly essential.

Hence, the Malaysian Media Conference, in its 20th year, has assembled the partners and players under one roof on October 25 for a day of learning, sharing, and exploring.



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