AI Apocalypse or Job Revolution? 600,000 Malaysian Workers on the Brink of Transformation!

By The Malketeer

The Emergence of 60 New Job Types in the Next 3-5 Years

In a revelation that’s sending shockwaves through Malaysia’s workforce, the Ministry of Human Resources (Kesuma) has dropped a bombshell: up to 600,000 workers across 10 key industries could be displaced by the relentless march of artificial intelligence, digitalisation, and green technology.

But before you start dusting off your resume in a panic, there’s a twist to this story that might just leave you feeling optimistic about the future of work.

The AI Invasion: No One is Safe?

Home Resources Minister Steven Sim has unveiled a groundbreaking report, set to be released in November, that paints a picture of a workforce on the brink of transformation.

The study, a collaborative effort between Talentcorp and various industries, delves deep into the impact of emerging technologies on the job market.

“We found that there could be 60 new types of jobs to come out of the technologies in the next three to five years,” Sim revealed at a recent press conference.

These aren’t just any jobs.

They’re the jobs of tomorrow, ready to absorb the workforce of today.

From Obsolete to In-Demand: The Great Job Metamorphosis

The report isn’t all doom and gloom.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Sim states,”I don’t want people to take this report in a negative, pessimistic or cynical way. The reason we have this report is so that we can prepare ourselves, we won’t be caught by surprise.”

The study suggests that even workers in highly impacted jobs can easily transition into new roles.

It’s not about job loss — it’s about job evolution.

Your GPS to Future-Proof Careers

Next month, Kesuma will launch a website alongside the report, offering a treasure trove of easy-to-digest information.

Think of it as your personal GPS to navigate the choppy waters of career transition.

The site will provide:

  1. Detailed breakdowns of the most, medium, and low impacted jobs
  2. Information on emerging roles in the next 3-5 years
  3. Incentives for upskilling and reskilling

The Chosen Ones: 10 Sectors Under the Microscope

The study focuses on 10 crucial sectors that contribute a whopping 60% of Malaysia’s GDP, valued at RM933 billion in 2023 including:

  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Global Business Services
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Food Manufacturing and Services
  • Electrics and Electronics
  • Aerospace
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade
  • Medical Devices
  • Chemicals
  • Energy and Power

The Marketing Revolution: Adapting to the AI Era

While the report covers a broad spectrum of industries, the advertising and marketing sector is poised for a significant transformation as well.

In an exclusive interview with the Marketing Magazine, Mohan Menon, Principal Consultant at Resilient Business Solutions Sdn Bhd, offers valuable insights into how this field will evolve.

Content Curation: The New Creative Frontier

“Humans will be involved more in content curation or moderation rather than pure content creation,” Mohan explains.

“AI will create all or most of the  content. But you still need humans to fact-check it for AI hallucinations and fine-tune it to the client’s needs.”

This shift suggests a growing demand for roles that focus on content moderation, a field that’s set to overshadow traditional content creation work largely replaced by AI.

The Rise of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

As the industry pivots, the skills that will prove most valuable are those that machines can’t easily replicate.

“Humans will be involved more in marketing strategy rather than the nuts and bolts tactical work of content creation and the technical work of creating marketing collaterals,” adds Mohan.

This transition mirrors the evolution seen in other fields, such as accounting.

Just as bookkeepers moved away from manual arithmetic to focus on interpreting balance sheets and strategic financial planning, marketers will shift towards higher-level strategic thinking and decision-making.

The Evolving Agency-Client Relationship

The relationship between marketing agencies and their clients is also set for a significant overhaul.

“The work will shift more into marketing strategy rather than the nuts and bolts of content-creation and technical work,” Mohan predicts.

“Even in marketing strategy, AI will be able to do it. So humans will be involved more in curating and moderating these AI-driven strategies, using HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills).”

This evolution suggests a future where agencies position themselves as strategic partners, leveraging AI-generated insights to provide high-level guidance and creative direction.

Preparing for the AI-Driven Future

For marketing professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve, Mohan offers straightforward advice: “Make AI a part of your daily life. Use ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc. Paid versions if budget permits. Read, read, read on AI advancements.”

This proactive approach to embracing AI tools and staying informed about technological advancements will be crucial for those looking to thrive in the evolving job market.

Boosting Productivity and Morale in the AI Transition

As agencies and marketing departments prepare for this transition, there’s an opportunity to use AI as a tool for enhancing both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Mohan suggests, “Show marketing teams how AI can facilitate their work and remove the tedium out of it – the tedium of churning content day-after-day, of creating brochures, of updating websites, of constantly having to learn new content creation tools. That can boost both morale and productivity.”

By positioning AI as a tool that frees up time for more creative and strategic work, companies can help their teams embrace the change rather than fear it.

The Bottom Line: Adapt or Be Left Behind

As the winds of change sweep through Malaysia’s job market, one thing is clear: adaptation is key.

The upcoming report and website aren’t just tools — they’re lifelines for workers looking to stay relevant in an AI-driven world.

The future of work is knocking on your door, and it’s time to answer.

MARKETING Magazine is not responsible for the content of external sites.

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