What would Lum Chong Heng do with a free elephant?

On 15 November, 35 inspiring marketers were celebrated for their outstanding achievements during the CMO Awards 2019. Curious to find out who they are beyond their accomplishments, we emailed our winners five simple questions to answer. We’ll be publishing their answers in this mini series we’ve decided to call “What would this marketer do with a free Elephant?” 

Today we are featuring Commercial Director of Citychemo Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Lum Chong Heng who won the Marketing Trailblazer (FMCG) award.

Commercial Director of Citychemo Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Lum Chong Heng won the Marketing Trailblazer (FMCG) award at the CMO Awards 2019 organised by MARKETING Magazine Malaysia

What do you wake up every morning excited to do?

Have my breakfast!

If you woke up one morning and found yourself in a perfect world with no limits on budget and resources, what is the one marketing campaign you would make happen?

I would hijack all the out-of-home (OOH) billboards across the country for a month and have my brand on it with a message to my competitors that says: ‘wish you were here???’

What is something you would never change about your team?

Their drive to be brave and daring.  

Please complete this sentence: 

As a marketer, you must know…yourself. If you can market yourself, you can market anything.

Tell us something quirky about yourself, not many people know.

That is for me to know and for you to find out. 🙂

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?

I would keep it in a room and hope nobody notices it. 

Lum Chong Heng poses on stage after accepting his award, with President of Malaysian CMO Awards, Professor Harmandar Singh and Group MD of Star Media Group, Andreas Vogiatzakis.

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