The Great Social Media Crackdown

By The Malketeer 

New Law Could Banish Your Favourite Social Media Apps from Malaysia!

In a move that’s sending shockwaves through the digital landscape, Malaysia’s Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has dropped a bombshell on social media platforms.

Come January 1, 2025 your favourite apps could vanish from Malaysian cyberspace if they don’t play by the new rules.

But what’s really at stake here?

It’s not just about getting a piece of paper.

Social media giants failing to secure proper licences by the 2025 deadline could face eye-watering fines of up to RM500,000  or even see their executives behind bars for up to five years.

And that’s not all – each day they remain non-compliant could cost them an additional RM1,000.

It’s clear the Malaysian government isn’t playing around.

A Race Against Time

The clock is ticking.

Social media and messaging platforms have until December 31 this year to register under the new regulatory framework.

But here’s the kicker: full enforcement kicks in on January 1, 2025.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi didn’t mince words when he declared that unlicenced platforms would be shut down on that fateful day.

The Government’s Game Plan

Minister Fahmi insists this isn’t about stifling free speech.

The government claims it’s all about creating a safer internet for Malaysian families and children.

They’re pointing to alarming statistics – Malaysians have reportedly lost over RM500 million to online scams on Facebook alone.

But is this really about protection, or is there more to the story?

Not Everyone’s on Board

While the government has been holding engagement sessions to drum up support, the response has been mixed.

Out of 79 invited organisations, only 27 showed up to discuss the new regulations.

Notable absentees included political party MUDA and media freedom group Geramm.

The Million-Ringgit Question

As the deadline looms, one question remains: Will social media giants comply, or will they call Malaysia’s bluff?

With millions of users at stake and potential revenue loss, the tech world is watching closely.

Will this be the start of a new era of internet regulation, or will it backfire spectacularly?

Only time will tell if Malaysia’s bold move will create the safer online space it promises or if it will isolate its citizens from the global digital community.

One thing’s for sure – January 1, 2025, is set to be a day that could change Malaysia’s internet landscape forever.

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