No Collusion, Sinar Harian Maintains Balanced Reporting

An official statement from Sinar Harian:

“Sinar Harian refers to the perceptions circulating on social media following the court charges against the Member of Parliament for Tasek Gelugor, which also mentioned Sinar Karangkraf as a recipient of RM38,160. Sinar Harian asserts that any assumptions and slander being deliberately spread are entirely false.

Instead, the transactions involved adhered to the procedures and protocols for purchasing advertising space in the media and complied with legal provisions.

The purchase of media advertising space, especially during elections by political parties, is a norm in this industry. The amounts spent by other political parties for their campaigns during the 15th General Election and recent state elections were also significantly higher.

Since its inception on July 31, 2006, Sinar Harian has practiced an open policy and has not been influenced by any parties, especially political parties and leaders.

The Transparent and Sincere policy that has long underpinned our editorial ethics reflects our commitment to responsibly deliver balanced and fair information to the Malaysian public. Therefore, Sinar Harian believes that it is inappropriate to be controlled or bought for specific political interests.

Sinar Harian welcomes readers and Malaysians to continue providing constructive comments, views, and criticisms and to bravely perform fair checks and balances, regardless of differing beliefs and backgrounds.

At the same time, we hope that all parties exercise caution and responsibility in making statements that could result in ‘sub-judice’ affecting any ongoing court proceedings.

Any defamatory or malicious statements that could damage reputation and credibility will also prompt Sinar Harian to consider legal action against the involved parties.

Finally, we at Sinar Harian remain committed to our journalistic mission and ethical values in upholding integrity and accountability based on the trust and mandate given by the Malaysian public, particularly Sinar Harian readers, to continue delivering the truth.”

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