At a recent meeting of the Magazine Publishing Association (MPA), Exco members agreed to write to the Ministry of Finance to look at their request on the GST-Zero rates for magazines in the coming Oct 2017 budget.
MPA also shared the latest Advertising Expenditure (adex) report for Q1 2017 vs Q1 2016 and indicated that the overall adex had dropped by -12.36% to RM 1.8 billion from RM 2.1 billion in Q1 2016.
The only growth recorded was for Cinema which went up 57%.
The magazine adex dropped by -36.3% for Q1 2017.
The decline of magazine adex is attributed to the migration to digital format and also the closure of some magazine titles.
MPA also announced that the MPA Magazine Awards 2017 (open for members) will be held in late Oct 2017 at Group Majalah Karangkraf Sdn Bhd.
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