Mr. Hando Sinisalu, our resident B2B expert from Estonia, was here to share his pearls of wisdom on best practices that marketers need to embrace in the digital marketplace in this day and age.
The B2B Digital Marketing Conference 2019 was all about ensuring the participants understanding the relevance of customer-centric B2B sales and marketing.

Hando Sinisalu was joined by two of our esteemed panelists, Amit Sutha, Managing Director of Ensemble Worldwide and Universal McCann and Pamela Chia, Head of Brand & Marketing Communications at Maxis.
Its imperative for one to step into their customer’s shoes. In the digital age, B2B buyers research, navigate and most importantly make purchasing decisions online.

B2B companies need to move out of their own personal silos and understand their customer’s needs. It was in this vein that Hando went on analyzing the digital presence of top brands and offer inspirational ideas that can be replicated for the local marketplace.
The conference consisted of analyzing the B2B landscape, customer journeys, creating captivating content and of course showcasing award-winning B2B marketing initiatives from globally benchmarked powerhouses.

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