Generation Greytt is Shattering the 50+ Aging Narrative

By The Malketeer

Groundbreaking Research shows 70% of Gen Greytt is optimistic about their future and are reinventing themselves.

Gone are the days when turning 50 meant slowing down.

Enter Generation Greytt—a vibrant demographic that is shattering stereotypes about aging, embracing technology, pursuing new careers, and living life with renewed vigour.

With a blend of Baby Boomers and Generation X, these dynamic individuals are rewriting the rules on what it means to age gracefully.

Challenging the Aging Narrative

The story of Generation Greytt is about more than just numbers—it’s a narrative that challenges outdated assumptions about aging.

According to Preethi Sanjeevi, Co-Founder and CEO of Greytt, “Generation Greytt is a thriving community with immense potential…a dynamic force, characterised by high disposable income, low liabilities, and a lifetime of experience.”

This demographic represents an untapped market with unique needs and remarkable spending power, ready to make their mark on the world.

Insights into an Empowered Generation 

A recent study conducted by Greytt, in partnership with Adna Research, offers groundbreaking insights into the aspirations, behaviours, and values of the 50+ demographic in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

The findings are astounding:

  • A Vibrant Outlook: Over 70% of Gen Greytt express optimism about their future, with a strong desire for personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Digital Proficiency: Over 90% are digitally savvy, embracing new technologies and defying the “digital divide” stereotype.
  • Active Lifestyles: With an impressive 91% in Singapore and 82% in Malaysia regularly engaging in physical activities, Gen Greytt proves that age is no barrier to fitness.

In conjunction with this research, Greytt has launched “Greytt Moves,” a wellness platform tailored specifically to the 50+ demographic.

“Our research clearly demonstrates that Gen Greytt is an active and health-forward demographic,” says Ramakrishnan CN, Co-Founder and CPO of Greytt.

Greytt Moves offers custom-built wellness services delivered by “Fit for 50+” trainers, focusing on core methodologies like Strength Training, Yoga, and Pilates.

Looking Ahead: More Than Just Fitness

Greytt is just getting started.

The company’s future offerings will include “Greytt Journeys,” a travel planning platform, and “Greytt Gigs,” a freelance marketplace for the 50+ workforce.

These initiatives are designed to empower this generation to pursue their passions and achieve their goals.

A Global Challenge, A Local Solution 

“Keeping aging populations healthy, engaged, and happy is a global challenge,” says Rajeev Lochan, Co-Founder and CCO of Greytt.

“Through platforms like Greytt Moves, Greytt Journeys, and Greytt Gigs, the company aims to contribute to stronger, more vibrant societies. We’re not just building a business; we’re building a better future.”

In an exclusive interview with the MARKETING Magazine, the Co-Founders  of Greytt – Preethi Sanjeevi, Ramakrishnan CN, and Rajeev Lochan – shared their insights and plans.

Q1. What inspired you to focus on the 50+ demographic with Greytt? Was there a personal experience that led to this decision?

ANS: The inspiration for Greytt came from a glaring gap in the market—there simply weren’t any products or services tailored to the 50-70 demographic.

Everything seemed to focus either on the youth (teens to 30-year-olds) or jumped straight to assisted living and medical solutions for the elderly. This demographic has unique needs, abundant disposable income, and more time to spend, but is largely ignored.

In fact, our research found that more than a third of the 50+ demographic in Singapore and Malaysia have more disposable income and free time than they did five years ago.

Also 88% want to embrace current challenges and learn something new with the highest skew towards “Reinventing self” as the key factor. This makes them an untapped market with significant potential for companies willing to invest in custom solutions for their needs.

What made this even more urgent for us is the realisation that we, ourselves, are not too far from joining this age group. We felt a personal responsibility to build solutions for our own futures and for a generation that isn’t ready to slow down. This group wants to reinvent and re-engage with life, and yet, no one was building for them. Hence, Greytt was born, a premier fit-for-50+ platform.

In less than 6 years, by 2030, 1 in 4 people will be 50+ globally, and 60% of this group will be in Asia, making this a crucial market to address.

Our research shows that “Gen Greytt,” isn’t content with slowing down—they are eager to continue learning, with 88% expressing a desire to embrace challenges and learn new things.

Q2. Your research shows that Gen Greytt is very tech-savvy. What are some of the most surprising ways you’ve seen this demographic embrace technology?

ANS: Interestingly, this generation grew up alongside the evolution of technology. They were the first users of home PCs, the pioneers of internet search, and early adopters of smartphones. A 50-year-old today was 25 when Google became mainstream, so to stereotype them as tech-averse is a disservice.

Our research confirms that the Gen Greytt population in Singapore and Malaysia are universally comfortable buying products and services online. Even more, 90% actively stay up to date with the latest technology trends, with 92% adopting new technologies such as AI, smart home appliances, and tools like ChatGPT. This shows how deeply this group has integrated technology into their daily lives.

What surprised us is not their tech-savviness, but the pervasive stereotype that this group is a laggard with technology. With Greytt Moves and our broader platform offerings, we aim to change this narrative and show the world how technologically proficient and future-oriented Gen Greytt, truly is.

Q3. Can you share a success story of someone who has benefitted from Greytt Moves? How has it changed their approach to wellness?

ANS:  Our research confirmed that Gen Greytt is deeply committed to maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle. 54% of our respondents devote more time to health and fitness today than they did five years ago, and 91% engage in regular physical activity. With Greytt Moves, we can provide a tailored wellness experience that meets their specific needs.

We have users who are joining Greytt Moves for variety of reasons, from achieving core strength for their badminton game , for flexibility for their golf sessions, for tackling their menopause related issues and many more.

They have seen improvements and we hope to help many more achieve their goals. They are loving the fact that this is a fully personalised programme for them, and highlights the importance of tailored solutions for the 50+ demographic.

Q4. What are the biggest misconceptions about the 50+ age group that you’re trying to challenge with Greytt?

ANS: We’re working to debunk several myths:

  • Myth 1: The 50+ age group is slowing down and preparing for retirement.
    Reality: Our research shows that 70% of Gen Greytt is optimistic about their future and seeking personal growth. They aren’t slowing down; they’re looking for ways to reinvent themselves.
  • Myth 2: They aren’t tech-savvy.
    Reality: 90% of our respondents are tech-savvy and eager to stay current with the latest innovations. They are as comfortable using smartphones and smart home gadgets as any younger generation.
  • Myth 3: They’re only interested in senior care.
    Reality: 92% of the 50+ demographic views travel as the best way to explore and discover new things, and 88% are eager to continue learning and facing new challenges.
  • Myth 4: They’re financially dependent.
    Reality: 34% report having more disposable income now than five years ago, and 90% want to stay economically active, continuing to work or contribute in flexible ways.

Q5. How do you see the needs of Gen Greytt evolving in the next 5-10 years, and how is Greytt preparing to meet these future needs?

ANS:  The needs of Gen Greytt will continue to evolve around flexibility, wellness, and technology. In the next 5-10 years, we anticipate a stronger demand for services that support both professional engagement and personal fulfillment. Our research shows that 75% of this group is interested in white collared gig-style work, with 46% emphasising meaningful work as a key factor in their career decisions.

Greytt is preparing for this shift by refining our platforms to offer tailored wellness programmes through Greytt Moves, flexible work solutions through Greytt Gigs, and customised travel experiences through Greytt Journeys. We also see the need for community, legacy and many more areas where the need will evolve and Greytt can play a significant role.

Q6. With Greytt Gigs in the pipeline, what unique value do you think the 50+ workforce brings to the gig economy?

ANS:  The 50+ workforce brings unparalleled experience, wisdom, and reliability to the white collared gig economy. Our research shows that 75% of  Gen Greytt is interested in short-term, flexible work, with 56% of them citing flexibility as crucial. Beyond flexibility, 54% are motivated by financial rewards, while 46% want to engage in meaningful work.

This group doesn’t just bring skills to the gig economy; they bring commitment, drive, and a passion for continued contribution. Platforms like Greytt Gigs offer them the flexibility they crave while giving businesses access to a highly skilled and experienced workforce. With the aging population growing rapidly, harnessing this demographic is key to sustaining a healthy, thriving economy.

Q7. As a multi-generational founding team, how has your diverse age range influenced Greytt’s approach and offerings?

ANS:  Our team’s age diversity gives us a broad, insightful perspective on aging. From our personal experiences in different stages of life, we’ve been able to create products that resonate deeply with multiple generations. We have led and managed various multicultural organizations with complementary skills that make this a ‘Greytt’ match.

Whether it’s through flexible work, personalised wellness programmes, or travel experiences, our diverse backgrounds allow us to design offerings that are not only relevant now but will continue to evolve alongside the aspirations of this demographic.

Q8. What advice would you give to businesses that are overlooking or underserving the Gen Greytt demographic?

ANS: There is an incredible opportunity waiting in the 50+ demographic, and it’s one that many businesses have yet to tap into. Our research shows that 90% of Gen Greytt is comfortable adopting new technology and 88% wants to continue learning. They also have significant spending power, with 34% reporting more disposable income than five years ago.

Businesses that overlook this group are missing out on a dynamic, engaged, and financially capable audience. My advice? Don’t wait. Let’s collaborate and co-create solutions that truly meet the needs of this vibrant demographic.

Q9. How is Greytt using AI and data to enhance the experience for your users?

ANS: We leverage experts, AI and data to create custom-built experiences for each user. Our platforms – Greytt Moves, Greytt Gigs  and Greytt Journeys – use insights from user data to offer personalised wellness programmes, travel itineraries, and even work opportunities tailored to individual preferences.  We offer Fit-For-50+ relevance match across services for our unique customer base.

For example, our research shows that 96% of Gen Greytt loves travel, but they prefer to plan and research their trips independently. We use a proprietary matching algorithm to suggest fit-for50+ hotels and itineraries that also align with their interests, making their experiences seamless and fully customised. This data-driven approach helps us deliver personalised, engaging content that resonates deeply with our users.

Q10. Looking ahead, what’s your vision for how Greytt could impact society’s perception and treatment of aging?

Our vision is to completely redefine society’s view of aging. Our research shows that 70% of Gen Greytt is optimistic about the future and sees this stage of life as an opportunity for reinvention.

With the launch of platforms like Greytt Moves, Greytt Journeys, and Greytt Gigs, we aim to empower this demographic to live fully and authentically, challenging outdated perceptions of aging as a period of decline.

By fostering a society where aging is seen as a time for exploration, contribution, and growth, we hope to create a more inclusive, vibrant world where people are valued for their experiences, wisdom, and aspirations.

We truly believe that beyond the grey, lies Greytt!

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