Social Media Savvy GlSBH’s Viral Content Catches Government’s Eye

By The Malketeer

MCMC Poised to Remove GISBH Content Amid Exploitation Concerns

In a decisive move against alleged exploitation and deviant teachings, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) stands ready to purge social media platforms of content related to GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH), including viral songs that have captivated online audiences.

Government Takes Aim at Viral ‘Earworms’

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil revealed that the MCMC has been instructed to review and monitor GISBH-related content across social media platforms.

The Minister highlighted the pervasive nature of the group’s influence, noting, “There are various music video clips from different groups that have become earworms. There’s a rock version (of the songs) and many other styles.”

Speaking at a post-Cabinet meeting media conference, Fahmi emphasised that the removal of such content would be contingent upon police instruction, underscoring the seriousness with which authorities are treating the matter.

Unmasking GISBH: A Shape-Shifting Entity

The Cabinet has been alerted to GISBH’s apparent strategy of frequently changing its corporate identity.

Fahmi, who also serves as the Unity Government spokesperson, stated, “GISBH had changed entities several times, allegedly to disguise their activities.”

This revelation points to a concerted effort by the group to evade scrutiny and continue its operations undetected.

Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

While acknowledging the role of social media in amplifying GISBH’s reach, Fahmi also recognised its potential in combating such activities.

“It cannot be denied that social media plays a role in efforts to curb activities such as those carried out by GISBH,” he remarked, highlighting the complex relationship between online platforms and the spread of controversial ideologies.

Religious Authorities Sound the Alarm

Adding weight to the government’s concerns, the Perlis State Fatwa Committee has officially declared GISBH’s teachings as deviant.

The committee specifically pointed to “deviant elements” in the group’s spiritual beliefs, drawing parallels to the previously banned Al-Arqam movement.

Operation Global: Rescuing the Young and Vulnerable

The gravity of the situation became apparent with the launch of Operation Global by the Malaysian police.

Since September 11, law enforcement agencies have conducted multiple raids, resulting in the rescue of 572 children and teenagers believed to be victims of exploitation by GISBH.

Unearthing Evidence: The Latest Raid

The fourth phase of Operation Global, carried out on a recent Saturday, yielded significant findings.

Police confiscated an array of books, documents, and images allegedly linked to both the Al-Arqam movement and GISBH, providing tangible evidence of the group’s activities and teachings.

As the Malaysian government ramps up efforts to curb the influence of GISBH, the coming weeks are likely to see increased scrutiny of social media content and potential legal actions against the group.

The case serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by authorities in the digital age, where the line between viral content and exploitative practices can often blur.

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