Predictions for 2018

Hear Asia’s brightest minds like Chris Jaques, Sulin Lau and others speak
As we near the end of 2017, a remarkable year that found both marketers and agencies face to face with a dynamic ecosystem of digital life, MARKETING team brings you snapshots of what 2018 would look like.

This is done through the eyes of the key marketers and thought leaders of Asia, who share their views in a series of videos, called the Marketing Leadership Series.

The shifting marketing and media landscape needs new prisms to look through the smoky future, is what most marketers say, while commenting on the specifics in their areas of interest and focus.

How people buy is changing profoundly and what is driving this consumer behaviour is also changing at a dizzying pace. So, what happens to our traditional key marketing tools?

What new learnings must the marketers adopt to stay relevant. Asia’s brightest minds, both practioners and consultants, from the world of advertising and marketing give their two cents in a series of videos put together by MARKETING magazine.

These videos will unfold over the next few weeks, appearing twice a week on our YouTube channel, with links to it given below.

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