What would Jesus do? Organ donation ad strikes controversy

Will you be donating your organs now that Jesus is?

A new TV ad to raise awareness about organ donation in Australia has ruffled a couple of feathers at church groups. The ad calls for more organ donation registration in Australia by using religion as a way of comically asking for donors.

“To be so casual about Jesus’ crucifixion is taking humour denigrating Christ to a new low. If your aim was to divide opinion over the level of respect Jesus Christ and Christians should be given, you have succeeded,” stated a few.

The ad is part of a wider campaign alongside Australian Organ Donor Register who has released a feature-length documentary called Dying To Live about the lives of Australians on the wait list for organ transplants.

According to Christian belief, Jesus gave his life to save ours and so writer and director Richard Bullock has played on that idea. In the short film, two guards ask Jesus if he would register to donate organs, who gives his consent.

Anglican Bishop of South Sydney Michael Stead admitted that though some “might be offended by the Monty Python-esque humour,” the commercial was ultimately communicating an important message.

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