Gartner says 75% of CMOs are facing pressure to get more results with fewer resources in order to deliver profitable growth in 2023. Of this group, a whopping 86% say they need to make “significant changes to how the marketing function works” to do that.
The job description of any marketer today can be summed up in four simple words:
Do more with less.
Generative AI is forcing everyone to fundamentally rethink how marketing works.
Marketing without AI is simply not an option.
Or maybe just wait. See what happens with this AI thing.
The latest Global AI Index has already ranked Malaysia at No. 44 (out of 62 countries).
Singapore picked up the No. 3 spot, after US and China.
Enough said.
Marketers who embrace AI technology now stand to develop a potentially insurmountable competitive advantage in their markets, their companies, and their careers.
When you walk into the office on Monday, your career, campaign strategies, daily tasks, budgets, and tech stack will look a lot like last week.
Next week will be similar to the week before. But month by month, year by year, your industry and profession will slowly, and then suddenly, look nothing like it does today.
According to the Marketing AI Institute, in coming years, AI-focused roles—like AI marketing specialist, AI Ops Leader, AI Trainer, Machine Manager, Recommendation Engine Director, Director of Deep Learning, VP of Augmented Intelligence, and Chief Algorithms Officer—could all find their way into your organisation. In the process, they will redefine the knowledge and skills needed to drive growth.
The time is now to start taking the steps needed to reimagine roles and career paths. It’s also time to start identifying people and AI-driven marketing resources that can help you level up your capabilities while you invest in upskilling your team.
When it comes to AI, investing in education should be your first port of call because the new breed of marketers won’t just need to understand marketing. They’ll also need to be proficient in data analysis and be able to work with AI to run marketing experiments.
As AI advances what’s possible with technology, a next generation of marketing leaders is emerging. These leaders aren’t defined as next-gen marketing leaders because of age but rather because of their approach to embracing change and applying smarter technologies.
Next-gen marketing leaders use AI to deliver the personalization and experiences modern consumers expect, unlock previously unimaginable creative possibilities, and drive efficiency, revenue growth, profits, and societal impact that the rest of the C-suite demands. The marketing leaders who take action have the opportunity to create a significant and sustained competitive advantage for their businesses and themselves.
Ready to embrace change?
If you are a reading this, you are in a rare position to create change within your company, to reinvent what it means to be a marketer. Will you become a next-gen marketing leader?
Don’t miss out The AI for Marketing, Media and Advertising workshop happening July 27th next week. Get started on AI and unlock your true potential in your company and career.
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