LAST CALL: Have you voted for your favorite Merdeka TVC?

If you’ve clicked on this headline, chances are you haven’t voted for MARKETING Magazine’s Experts Choice Awards 2020: Merdeka TVC Edition. Which is silly because we need your expert opinion on which TVC deserves to be crowned this year’s best. Voting period ends on 28 September 2020.

We’ve shortlisted 26 Merdeka TVCs this year, and despite the circumstances of a restricted MCO stacked against them, the brands have delivered. Now all that’s left is for you to scan through the list and vote based on which film has left an impression on you. 

So if you haven’t voted yet, here’s what we suggest : Skip your usual lunch out with colleagues today. Instead you should tapau lunch back to your desk, open our voting page, watch all 26 TVCs and just vote! As a reader of ours, we consider you an industry expert. So don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity and cast your votes by the end of today!

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