Nippon Paint Partners Local Influencers to Offer Makeover Tips & Tricks
As muslims in Malaysia celebrate the month of Ramadhan and Raya from their own homes this year due to the CMCO, Nippon Paint Malaysia (“Nippon Paint”) has launched an engaging initiative aimed at homeowners. The campaign, #RuangBaru has been launched to empower and inspire homeowners to carry out budget-friendly home makeovers in time for the Raya celebrations.

In keeping with the spirit of doing things differently this Raya season, Nippon Paint has teamed up with local influencers to launch a series of Instagram Live home makeover workshops.
Scheduled from 14 to 20 May, the “#RuangInspirasi Bersama Nippon Paint” Instagram Live Workshops will feature five sessions hosted by familiar faces within the creative arts scene including Farah Waheda (blogger at “Bubblynotes”), Shany Ahmed (Visual Artist), Ben Firdaus (Interior Designer) and Hanisah Johari (Artist with Condiment Strings), all of whom will be creating their individual designs with a focus on different surfaces and colours, inspired by their own creative styles.
“Innovation is in our DNA and at Nippon Paint, we are always looking at new and creative ways to continuously inspire Malaysians to be more adventurous when it comes to coatings solutions and recreating their spaces at home,” said Group General Manager of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group, Gladys Goh. “We’ve developed the #RuangBaru campaign to keep our consumers inspired during the Raya season and to help them celebrate Raya in the comfort of their own homes; remember to dance a little while you paint!”

The #RuangBaru initiative features two components: The Colour Palette: Edisi Raya Booklet and the Snap & Win Contest.
To help homeowners reimagine their living space through colors, the Booklet features the 8 trendiest colours from the Nippon Paint’s Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21. These colors are part of the series of Asian colour and trend forecasts derived by colour experts to curate forward thinking colour inspirations for the Asian region.
The Snap & Win Contest on the other hand, is aimed at encouraging the public to recreate their spaces at home, while breaking the stigma that home makeovers are only meant to be carried out by professionals. Organised as a contest, the top 20 participants stand a chance to win RM500 worth of cash prizes.
“We truly believe that art and colours have the power to bring people together and are honoured to be working with local influencers who share the same value, that is to inspire and connect Malaysians through colours, even during a time of crisis.” Gladys concluded.
The live workshops can be viewed on Nippon Paint’s Instagram page at
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