Long-time public relations veteran, GO Communications (GO Comms) is now the agency on call for A&W Malaysia. Its primary role is to get the word out on the fast-food chain’s expansion plans. Rejuvenating the brand will be a major strategy.
As a marketplace pioneer, A&W Malaysia is a true household name that has etched itself into the hearts of all Malaysians. With GO Comms, it wants to maintain that deep legacy and rich heritage. Critical to this is the big comeback the fast-food brand wants to bank on; to achieve this, there are plans in place to relive the glory days that A&W Malaysia has been famous for.
“These are exciting times indeed for the fast food industry as we believe the time and market conditions are ripe to revive the A&W image in Malaysia to modern consumers; of course, many of whose parents and even grandparents grew up with the brand. We could not think of a better partner in this endeavour than GO Comms, who will carry out the PR work through various communications initiatives,” said George Ang, CEO of A&W Malaysia.

Part of the plan will work towards increasing the number of restaurants in Malaysia to 60 by end-2019. That will then go up to 100 by Q4 2020. Interestingly, these plans come at a time when the global A&W brand celebrates its centennial anniversary this year.
“A&W is certainly a unique and inspiring brand, especially in Malaysia. It goes without saying that it is a distinct identity that has been building affinity with Malaysians of all ages. Leveraging on
this exceptional brand identity, we are thrilled to be working with A&W,” said Peter de Kretser, CEO of GO Communications.
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